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Why Have Someone Write Your Resume When You Can Do it Yourself?

Revision Resume knows you are capable of creating your own resume. So if you CAN do it yourself, why SHOULD you hire us? Here are our Top 5 reasons:

Clock indicating resumes take time to create

5). Resumes take time. Great resumes take a lot of time!

The honest truth: writing your own resume is going to be very time consuming. You will have to figure out the formatting and research the latest resume standards before you can even start typing up the document. Considering using a template to "save you time?" While tempting, these end up being limiting and prone to errors.

Are you familiar with the concept of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)? If not, you will need to learn what it is and how to optimize your resume so it gets past the ATS.

Research prior to drafting your resume may be overwhelming. There are resume guides that are literally 300 pages long. Video tutorials are also available but will require a considerable amount of time to watch. In addition, you may find conflicting information. Is one of the guides outdated? How will you know what information is accurate?

Books showing current resume requirements and guidelines

After you sort out what is valid and learn all of the current resume requirements, then you need to sit down and actually create your resume. You may struggle with formatting or how to word your experiences. How many hours do you have to spend studying, writing and then formatting? (Pro tip: that time could be better used researching your company of choice and prepping for your interview!)

4). Industry guidelines will most likely change by the next time you need to update.

You may think that is worth the time to learn how to write a resume because you may have to do it again in the future. Yes, it is likely that this will not be your last resume, however, resume writing is not something that most people will do often. By the time you sit down again to make changes to your resume, you'll have forgotten much of what you learned. Ready to start the same process of educating yourself all over again?

Paper with charts and graphs which shouldn't go on resumes

In addition, resume guidelines change over time. A few years ago, infographic resumes were the rage, but now they are no longer as popular. It used to be common practice to keep resumes to 1 page and an objective statement was important. Now resumes are generally 2 pages and have an executive summary with no objective statement.

3). Professionals are experts at what they do!

Unless you are a mechanic, you wouldn't attempt to fix the brakes of your car yourself!

  • We have completed resume, cover letter and value proposition letter training.

  • We are constantly researching the latest resume standards to update our knowledge.

  • We have learned from recruiters what is desired.

  • We have a wealth of resume writing experience.

Can you say the same? Yes, you can do it on your own, but most likely with an empty arsenal. Our commitment to seeking current knowledge and the breadth of our experience are key strengths that are yours to take advantage of, and will give you an edge above the competition!

2). Hiring Revision Resume is not an expense; it is an investment in your career!

You may think you can save yourself some money and write your own resume, but often when people sit down to write their own resume, they can't find the correct words. They feel strange "tooting their own horn," so they don't include the strong action verbs and result statements that a hiring manager or recruiter is looking for.

Revision Resume is able to pick the right wording to highlight your unique qualifications. When you see yourself, your hard work and your qualifications through our eyes it can be inspiring. Consider a few of our testimonials as proof:

Revision Resume is the best! They took the time to get to know me, and my achievements and turn that into an extraordinary resume.

- Sarah C.

Wow! You have made me sound amazing! This resume would definitely get me called in for an interview. You took my skeleton of a resume and made it much more professional, marketable, and visually appealing. Thank you.

- Courtney K.

1). Doing it yourself may cost you the job!

You've gotten the degree. You've combed through countless job postings to find the right one. You've done your research about that company. Think of how many hours you have already invested in your job search. Are you willing to risk the time and money you have already spent on a resume that falls short?

Leave this critical step to the experts at Revision Resume, and increase your chances of landing the interview that can get you the dream job you desire! Let's get started!

Related Reading:


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What’s Next?  With the Right Resume, the Sky’s the Limit!

The challenge for most job applicants is crafting the right resume. 

Revision Resume is here to help offering the following writing services:

Resume critiques are also offered to those who have already created their own resume but would like a second set of eyes to check for errors and to ensure the document is up to modern standards!

With up-to-the-minute knowledge of the hiring industry, Revision Resume can make sure you are submitting the right resume!

In addition to our blog that is packed with useful information and tips, Revision Resume also offers a monthly newsletter and group educational programs. 

Finally, for the "do-it-yourselfer," we offer a checklist package that helps you ensure you haven't missed any vital details. 


To learn more, contact us.

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