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Value Proposition Letter

A value proposition letter is sent after an interview. It serves as both a thank you to your interviewer, and as a reminder of what your skills can do for their company.  Make sure you have what it takes to compete by sending a value proposition letter after an interview!

I Already Provided a Cover Letter and Resume! Why Send a Value Proposition Letter too?

A Value Proposition Letter (VPL) is the thank you note you send after completing an interview.  Yet, it goes BEYOND just saying thank you!  It is a way for you to emphasize why you should be the candidate that gets hired.


A VPL also allows you to re-convey your interest in the position.  Remember, an interview is also for you to decide if you think the job is a good match.  If you do, be sure to state that in your VPL. Hiring managers prefer to give offers to candidates that are likely to accept.

A value proposition letter makes you more memorable and keeps you "top of mind."​  Only ~40% of interviewees send any follow-up communication to their interviewer.  By sending a value proposition letter, you will stand out compared to the competition.

To read more check out our blog "Is It Really Necessary to Write a Thank-You Note After an Interview?"

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When & How Should I Send a VPL?

Revision Resume advises you send the value proposition letter within 24-48 hours after the interview.  

​It can be sent via email or through the postal system. That is a personal decision and may depend on the type of job you are applying for.

It is recommended that you send individual letters or emails to each person that interviewed you.  Be sure you don't use the same exact wording for each letter.  Make them unique.

What Should I Write in the Value Proposition Letter?

Let's evaluate what is important to include in your Value Proposition Letter.

1). Thank You!

The first thing to include is a thank you to the interviewer. Express gratitude for the time they have taken to interview you. This demonstrates good manners!


2). Reiterate why you are the job candidate to select.


Remind the interviewer of your talents and skills. Expand on something you didn't get to share during the interview but think would help demonstrate your unique qualifications.

3). Forgot to mention something during the interview?


Often candidates leave an interview and realize they could have answered a question better or they forgot to mention a skill or experience that might be relevant.  The VPL offers an opportunity to include whatever might have been overlooked or forgotten.


4). Demonstrate how you can solve their problem.


You likely learned about the company and any issues they are looking to address during your interview.  The value proposition letter gives you another chance to point out how you can solve the problem they are facing.


5). Share something you enjoyed about the interview.


Was there a topic you enjoyed discussing or an aspect of the job you enjoyed learning about? Include that in your letter. It is always helpful to show you how you connected to the interviewer and/or the position.

For additional reading more detail can be found in our blog "What Should be Included in a Post-Interview Value Proposition Letter?"


General Value Proposition Letter Guidelines

Let's consider some general guidelines you should follow when writing your value proposition letter.

Keep the VPL Short

​The interviewer doesn't have time to read a multiple page letter.  And, the truth is, if you send a lengthy VPL, it likely will wind up in the trash.  Instead keep it to one page.  Three paragraphs is really ideal.


Avoid Sounding Desperate

It is OK to express interest in the position but try to avoid sounding anxious or desperate.  If you come across as obsessive about getting the job, it may actually degrade you in the eyes of the hiring manager.


Be Professional

​As with all other forms of communication with a hiring manager, this one should also use a professional tone throughout.  Even if you are sending your value proposition letter via email, make sure you use appropriate wording so that it doesn't come across as casual.



Just as your resume and cover letter need to be properly edited and error free, your value proposition letter requires the same level of revision! You do not want to leave the interviewer with a bad final impression because you didn't take the time to review and re-write as necessary!  The VPL is another opportunity to demonstrate you can communicate clearly and effectively. Consider these tips for improving your ability to locate and correct mistakes.

Revision Resume has written other blogs providing tips for value proposition letter best practices.  To read them click here.

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Revision Resume's Additional Tips for the Details of Writing a Value Proposition Letter


As we have discussed above the main aspects of the value proposition letter include:

  • Thanking the interviewer for their time

  • Reminding them why you are the best candidate for the job opening

  • Creating a personal connection with the interviewer

  • Showing that you are professional and have good manners

  • Offering another example of your ability to communicate clearly and effectively

In order to write a value proposition letter you will need to plan ahead.  Get the the contact information from the interviewer before you leave the interview so you know where to send the letter.  To do this you could simply ask for a business card.


After the interview you may also want to spend a few minutes jotting down notes in the parking lot when your memory is fresh. For example, if during the interview you found out the company has an issue you can solve, you will want to include that detail in your value proposition letter. Make sure you record it so you can include it when writing the letter later that day. Sometimes the adrenaline that you experience during and after an interview results in details being forgotten later on.  It is helpful if you record notes as soon as possible.

For additional interview and post-interview advice read "5 Tips for How to Prepare for an Interview"

I Need Help!

Not sure how to write a Value Proposition Letter? Worried your editing and revising skills aren't top-notch and your attempt will result in grammatical errors resulting in a poor final impression? Revision Resume offers Value Proposition Letters as part of our resume package or a la carte. We believe this is a very important part of a successful job application process and would be happy to assist you in crafting a professional, properly formatted and error-free letter. Contact us to learn more!


Offered the Position?  Revision Resume's Tips For How to Decide!

Congratulations!  You were offered the position!  Now the ball is in your court and you get to decide if you want to accept. 


Although it may be tempting to immediately say yes if the income is what you requested, Revision Resume suggests you look beyond just pay.  Here are some additional details to consider:

  • Did you feel like the role was a good fit when you attended the interview?  Will you be happy working at this job both in the short and long-term?  We suggest you slow down and evaluate if this job will be right for you in the future, not just today.

  • Does the communication style of the team show respect for each other?

  • Does the company provide incentives or show employee appreciation?

  • What is the entire package they are offering?  Is the health insurance adequate? Are dental, vision and mental health benefits what you expected?

  • Do you get the vacation time you would like?

  • Will the work-life balance be acceptable for you? Are the hours each day and over the course of the week reasonable?

  • Are you working in the manner you preferred - remote, hybrid or full-time in the office?

  • Do they provide educational opportunities?  Mentoring? Will they invest in you through training and development?

Consider the entire job offer before you say yes.  Make sure you are satisfied with the package they are offering and the position you will be taking on.  Consider negotiating for what you would like if the job is appealing but the offer is inadequate.

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