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How Can I Make More Money?

A common question we at Revision Resume hear is, "How can I make more money?" The answer depends on your specific situation. If you are happy at your current job, you may just be looking for a raise or a side gig. If you are unhappy, you may want to consider seeking a completely different role.

Some people have specific circumstances that need to be taken into consideration. Are you at home caring for a child or elderly parent? In that case, you may need to find something that is fully remote and flexible.

Let's look at a few situations and solutions.

Job Interview

I Don't Like My Job. How Can I Make More Money?

If this is the case, now is a great time to start seeking a new position. Currently, more than half of U.S. workers indicate they plan to look for a new job in the upcoming year. This trend has been named the "Great Resignation" or the "Great Reshuffle."

In addition, over the last two years workers have found they can work remotely, which opens up a myriad of job options. In many cases, it is no longer necessary to live in the same city as your place of employment.

Job-seekers are finding that they are now in the driver's seat due to so many people choosing to leave their current job for a new one. Those who are unhappy in their current role can often find a different job that provides what they desire. That may include more money, the ability to work a remote or hybrid schedule, additional vacation time, better benefits, or even a complete career change. Employees that are unhappy with the company they currently work for are finding they can switch to a different business that cares about their workers and will meet their needs and desires.

While job openings are at a record high in the United States because of so many people leaving their jobs, it follows that there are also currently a lot of job-seekers. A quality cover letter and resume are imperative to help you compete! You need to be sure that you are submitting career documentation that meets current industry standards and helps you demonstrate your unique skills. Make sure you have what it takes to compete by hiring Revision Resume to help you on your job search journey!

I Like My Job. How Can I Make Extra Income While Working Full-Time?

If you want to continue working your regular job, but just want a bit of extra money, there are a few different options to pursue.

The simplest is to see if you can earn extra income in your current job. Are you due for a promotion or a raise? Many employers are currently willing to discuss raises because they want to retain their employees. If you were to decide to leave for another position, they would have to recruit and hire someone to replace you. That is very difficult in today's job market. Therefore, your employer may be willing to discuss a promotion or raise if they believe that will help retain you.

Revision Resume offers a "Year-End Review" service which can help provide you leverage in your pursuit of additional income. A one-page “highlight summary” will demonstrate real results, real numbers, and real evidence of your worth to your employer. This will help you show that you deserve the extra income you seek.

If earning extra income in your current role isn't possible, or the amount is not adequate for your needs, consider applying to customer-facing businesses that are currently seeking employees. They may be willing to work around the hours of your regular job -- after all, you are helping them keep their doors open, especially during the busy holiday season.

Do you have an outside hobby you enjoy? Parlaying your hobbies into freelance work is a source of extra income for many people. Freelance work related to your career field is also an option, but be sure it is OK with your current employer, as doing something similar to your day-to-day job may be a conflict of interest.

Working at a laptop from home

I Can't Work Outside of the Home Right Now. How Can I Make Money From Home Legitimately?

Many families currently find themselves in this situation, caring for elderly parents or children in the home.

Extreme caution is needed in this area because there are many "work-from-home" jobs out there that are not legitimate. For example, if a company indicates they will hire you, but you need to put down money up front -- or they promise to reimburse the money at a later date -- you need to beware. Revision Resume recommends against taking any position that requires you to pay before you start working.

Another red flag is a company that requests your personal information BEFORE they hire you. They shouldn't need your social security number or bank account information until you have started the job. Again, this alerts you that further investigation into the legitimacy of the company is warranted prior to providing any information.

An offer that is too good to be true is another indication that you should be cautious and suspicious. If you are being told that you will be make a six figure salary but only work 10 hours a week, think twice.

How can you avoid being scammed? Do lots of research: investigate the company and their history. In addition, see if you can find other people that work for the company. One way to do this is by using LinkedIn to see connections. It is worthwhile to spend some time ensuring that you are dealing with a real, legitimate company.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to make additional income, you have a variety of potential approaches to take. We always suggest clients take time to think through their wants and needs before they start taking action. Determine if you are looking to stay in your current role or find a new position. Do you want to work from home or in an office? Think through both your short term situation as well as where you see yourself in 5 years. Take action now that is beneficial in the immediate future as well as long term. Revision Resume is here to help, so don't hesitate to contact us. We can assist you on your journey to earn more money!

Related Reading:

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What’s Next?  With the Right Resume, the Sky’s the Limit!

The challenge for most job applicants is crafting the right resume. 

Revision Resume is here to help offering the following writing services:

Resume critiques are also offered to those who have already created their own resume but would like a second set of eyes to check for errors and to ensure the document is up to modern standards!

With up-to-the-minute knowledge of the hiring industry, Revision Resume can make sure you are submitting the right resume!

In addition to our blog that is packed with useful information and tips, Revision Resume also offers a monthly newsletter and group educational programs. 

Finally, for the "do-it-yourselfer," we offer a checklist package that helps you ensure you haven't missed any vital details. 


To learn more, contact us.

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